I am not able to name a specific highlight from the week in Germany. I think that the whole week was a highlight because it was very different from the normal school week. I hadn’t been in Germany before this one-week visit but I was pleasantly surprised. I think it was amazing that we got to see both the nature and the city life.
R, Finnish Team
We walked a lot especially during Tuesday and Wednesday. On Tuesday we went to river Wupper, took some samples and walked in the forest. I was amazed by the number of hills because southern Finland is just a flat plane. On Wednesday we went to Düsseldorf. In Düsseldorf we were given a presentation by Henkel. We also got to wander around in the city center.
But to me Thursday was the best because my host family took me to Cologne where we went to the Catholic cathedral. It was an amazing experience and I’m so glad I got to go there.
I think that these days were, at least to me, the most memorable. But the new friendships can’t be forgotten. I’m happy that I got to meet new people and got to make new friends.
I didn’t have a clue what to expect
when we started this journey,
this project.
I know I won’t forget the nature,
not the beautiful culture.
I can still see the flowing rivers
and feel the warmness
of family dinners.Is this where it ends?
M, Finnish Team
We got new friends
and learned so much,
it doesn’t end here,
we’ll keep in touch!
My highlight memory of the week in Germany was our Wednesday evening in Solingen. We were coming home with my host from our friend’s place. It was late, almost 10 o’clock. We were at a bus stop waiting for our bus. It was very cold and we were shivering. We waited for the bus, which came really late, for 30 minutes. During that half an hour we talked a lot and shared our thoughts and secrets. We became very close friends, and we are still in touch with each other daily!
S, Finnish Team
The week in Germany was amazing, but there were few moments that I remember were the best. This kind of moment happened on Tuesday evening. My host suggested that we would go out for a walk (we had walked that day almost 13 kilometers already, but I thought it sounded nice). My host showed me the village she lived in.
?, Finnish Team
We walked for about an hour and we talked about our lives, future and the past. In that evening we bonded very well. I remember that there was still warm outside, even though it was eight o’clock. We returned back to the house feeling fresh, but our feet were tired from all the walking.
Another moment that stuck in my mind very clearly was the moment of leaving. I may be a sensitive person, but I think it was touching for everyone. Questions popped into my head – will I see them again? Can we retain this relationship despite the distance between us? I couldn’t possibly answer those questions then. Saying goodbye is always a sad event, but in a way also beautiful.